Spring is the season for wolf mating, and wolf pups! The majority of the wolves born at the Wolf Conservation Center came into this world in Spring. Here are a few birthday wishes to the wolves born this season.
Bria, Helene, and Diane.
These three littermates were born on May 8th, 2018. The sisters are Mexican gray wolves--a critically endangered subspecies that is part of the Species Survival Plan (SSP). Happy Birthday!
Trumpet is also a Mexican gray wolf. Born on May 4th, 2016, Trumpet is the mother of 3 pups who have also given birth--carrying on Trumpet's and her species' legacy. She has also become a popular wolf at the WCC. Happy 7th birthday, Trumpet!

Sonda is the newest member of the WCC pack, and turned one year old on May 3rd, 2023. Happy Birthday, Sonda!
Belle is a well-known mother at the WCC, and turned 12 years old on April 30th, 2023. This busy mother has had multiple litters of pups--who contributed to their species' survival. This
beautiful Mexican gray wolf is the mother of Maus, Jean, and Nita. Happy birthday, Belle!
Rosa is another beloved mother at the WCC. On April 22 2023, this mother turned 15 years old. Rosa first gave birth to popular Mexican gray wolf Trumpet in 2016. Then, in May of 2018, Rosa has a litter of 9 pups! She is also the grandmother of Mosby, Kral, Joe Darling, Sonda, George, and Nicholas. Happy Birthday, Rosa!
Alawa is one of the Ambassador wolves that reside at the Wolf Conservation Center. She was born on April 20th, 2013. She turned 12 years old 3 weeks ago, and still remains a popular ambassador and educator. Happy Birthday, Alawa!

Nikai is the youngest ambassador wolf at the WCC, and he is known for being very playful on a daily basis. This beautiful male was born in 2014, and turned 9 years old on April 13th, 2014. Happy birthday, Nikai!
Lava is a female red wolf. She is part of the SSP ( Species Survival Plan) which as initiated to protect her critically endangered species. Lava has yet to have pups, but the WCC is awaiting the potential birth this Spring! Happy 7th birthday, Lava!
Shouting Birthday Howls to Past Wolves
Zephyr was a very special wolf. Born on April 20th, 2013, Zephyr became a favorite among the wolves at the center--he also stole the heart of Conserving the Wolves' founder (Raen). The black beauty passed away on July 2nd, 2022. We want to wish Zephyr a very happy birthday. We love you!

Atka was one of the WCC's first wolves. He lived a long and healthy 16 years before he peacfully passed away in his sleep. Atka was a traveler--educating people about his species everywhere he went, and steling the hearts of maany who layed eyes on his beautiful Arctic coat. We miss you, Atka! Happy birthday!