After wolves were voted to be reintroduced in Colorado in 2020, CPW will be reintroducing wolves into the state by the end of this year...with some exceptions. It is now decided that wolves will be designated as a "nonessential experimental population" also known as rule 10(j). With this rule now set to take take action on Dec. 8, wolves will be allowed to be killed under some conditions such as if one is caught attacking livestock or a person--which is unlikely since wolves remain elusive when around humans. The deadline for wolf reintroduction will be on Dec. 31.
We are unsure how to feel about this plan, on one hand, it doesn't seem like gray wolves will be killed just to be killed in the state, but despite the circumstances, we are still concerned for Colorado's soon-to-be wolf population, and we want nothing to stand in the way ahead or prior to wolf reintroduction.

Image by Christel SAGNIEZ from Pixabay