Today, a judge gave Colorado Parks and Wildlife the greenlight to reintroduce wolves into the state. This ruling rejects the rejects the request made by two livestock groups. At 7pm, Friday, Judge Regina Rodriguez explained that the cattle organization's concerns were understandable, but were not enough to warrent the delay of wolf reintroduction, and that a postpone would be against what the public voted for in 2020. Wolf reintroduction should begin as early as Sunday.
The wolves will be captured, traquilized, and radio-collared when CPW staff heads out to get them. They will either be flown by plane or driven by truck into Colorado. This is a historic win for wolves, and a hard-earned effort. We are very excited for the reintroduction and for wolves to inhabit the mountains of Colorado, filling them with howls for years to come.

Image copyright: Eric Odell/Colorado Parks and Wildlife