Colorado Wolf Release Location Revealed
Colorado Parks and Wildlife released a map of reintroduced wolves just recently. Although the exact location of the wolves is not public, it is estimated that the 10 wolves are around the areas of Jackson, Routt, Eagle, Summit and Grand counties. Colorado Parks and Wildlife created the base of the geographic location using watersheds. In order to protect the wolves and people, CPW will not be making any exact information regarding the wolves' location public.
Colorado Secures 15 More Wolves for the Reintroduction
Between December 2024 and March 2025, Colorado Parks and Wildlife will release 15 more wolves into the state. The wolves provided by the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation. CPW will set out to capture the wolves from the tribal lands this Winter or next Spring. This effort is a contribution to the Colorado Wolf Restoration and Management Plan. They will capture 10-15 wolves each capturing season until they reach their goal of 30-50 wolves. CPW will continue to reduce conflicts with wolves and livestock.
The Wolves of Colorado Have Been Named by Schoolchildren
The first 5 wolves that were released in Colorado in December of 2023 have been given names by schoolchildren. The wolves were affectionatly named Ghost, Aspen, Shadow, River, and Maverick! Despite the wolves having names, Colorado Parks and Wildlife said they will continue to use the wolves' formal names to easily identify they sexes of the wolves.

Credit: Colorado Parks and Wildlife