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Alexander Archipelago Wolf

Image copyright: Nick Jans, 2023

How can I Help?

As of right now, the Alexander Archipelago wolf almost seems abandoned; even despite their numbers hanging by a thread. They are not killed as intensely as other subspecies, although killing them is still permitted in the state of Alaska. We are yet to create a campaign for Alexander Archipelago wolf, but it's foreseeable. Government officals claim that the 'Endangered' status for the Alexander Archipelago wolf is 'not warrented' even despite their low numbers. The Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) along with additional animal welfare groups state that Alexander Archipelago wolves do need federal protections to prevent their slaughter. 
Facts & Physical Description

The Alexander Archipelago wolf (Canis lupus ligoni) is a subspecies of gray wolf living in southeast Alaska. Alexander Archipelago wolves generally weigh 30-50 lbs and stand about 3.6 feet tall. Alexander Archipelago wolves normally have dark or black fur. Breeding season is around the same time period as other wolf species and subspecies (Feburary-mid-April). Although, seasons can last until early July.

Threats & Conservation 

Alexander Archipelago wolves are quite rare; with numbers varying as low as 89, according to a 2014 report conducted by Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Threats include both legal and illegal poaching, and a lack of the wolves' natural resources such food and habitat. Alexander Archipelago can be killed via areial shooting (killing an animal from an airplane) where hunters have the unfair advantage; and the wolf has no escape.
During a 2014-2015 hunting season, over 29 wolves were killed. The Alexander Archipelago wolf is not federally protected.

Romeo the Wolf

Romeo was an Alexander Archipelago wolf that stole the hearts of those living in Juneau, Alaska as he befriended and played with the resident's dogs. Romeo was a regular visitor among the town of Juneau, and became almost the mascot of the town for the 6 years that he visited and his friendliness towards the canine residents. Unfortunetly, in 2010, the beloved wolf was illegally shot by poachers. The town, who saw the wolf almost everyday was devastated and outraged.The two men who killed Romeo, named Park Myers ||| and Will Peacock were arrested and charged for killing Romeo. Despite this, Romeo lives on in the hearts of Juneau and in a beautiful plaque dedicated to the friendly black wolf.
Read more about his story here

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